Thursday, 26 November 2009

The Vital Importance Of Pelvic Floor Exercise Explained

Pelvic floor exercise is something that every woman should start directly after pregnancy regardless of whether they've given birth vaginally or via c section.

During pregnancy and childbirth the pelvic floor undergoes enormous trauma and stretching to allow the baby to be born through which often causes damage, bruising and a weakening of the area. 

Because of this the muscles aren't able to perform correctly which could lead to stress incontinence, less feeling during sex and potential prolapse. 

Stress incontinence is where a small amount of urine is leaked when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. Almost 25 per cent of new moms are affected by stress incontinence.  Pelvic floor exercise tightens these muscles so that they function correctly again. The more you work them, the better they will become. 

Pelvic Floor exercises can also be referred to as Kegel's named after the creator of the theory Dr Arnold Kegel. Both names refer to the same thing. 

The terrific thing about pelvic floor exercise is that it can be done anywhere. You don't get tired doing them, they aren't physically exhausting and can be done in many positions or while carrying out a range of daily tasks such as boiling a kettle, chatting on the telephone or watching TV.

Unfortunately it's actually quite difficult to target these exercises accurately. They aren't exiting to do and many women just give up trying long before any benefits are noticed.

There are two principal types of pelvic floor exercises. The first, known as 'slow Kegels' tightens the muscles and helps to improve the length of time you can actually hold them. The second, known as ‘fast Kegels’ improves how fast your pelvic floor contracts when you cough or sneeze for example.

These exercises should be done frequently to see any real benefit.  Try to use different prompts to remind you when to do them such as when commercials are shown on TV, when stop lights turn red etc. 

Be regular, the improvements will often take weeks to be fully noticeable, but keep going because the small amount of effort needed is well worth the time they take to do.

To learn more about losing pregnancy weight and getting back in to shape after having a baby click her – The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

Monday, 16 November 2009

Losing weight After Pregnancy - 4 Essential Secrets

Losing weight after pregnancy can be a very challenging task, with caring for your newborn baby, your new-found job as a mother and needing to put the health and well being of others ahead of that of your own all the time.

It's a challenge physically to find the time you have to spend on losing weight after pregnancy, but also mentally. A number of women feel bad about the fact that they still aspire to look good and beautiful after having a baby, but DON’T.

Follow these four essential secrets for simple fat loss: -

Rule #1 arrange meals and snacks beforehand. Eating a good diet is very valuable now, whether you’re breastfeeding or not, eating the right types of foods to help boost fat loss is essential. Make a list of all the meals and snacks you'll eat for the next week, then go shopping and buy them. Keep treats to a small amount.

Rule #2 progressively increase the amount of activity you perform every day. Your body is prepared for weight loss at this time and will easily try to return to pre pregnancy levels.  Intend to walk frequently with the stroller every day. If you feel worn-out or run down, merely go on a few small walks of no further than 10 minutes.

Rule #3 Your stomach muscles will need tightening, but don’t make the same mistake millions of other women do after having a baby and carry out hundreds of sit ups. Pelvic tilting movements are the only ones you should try straight after having a baby because these realign and strengthen the area without the risk of injuring the lower back or suffering long term doming of the abdominal muscles.

Rule # 4 Your pelvic floor has been challenged over the pregnancy, even if you gave birth by a caesarean. This area needs to be worked methodically every day to make sure a full recovery. They don’t take long, can be done anytime and are easy to do.

If your target is to get back in great shape or just lose the fat around your waist, losing weight after pregnancy doesn’t have to disturb your life.  All it depends on is a little organisation and planning. With the appropriate strategy getting back in to shape will seem simple, fitting nicely in to your brand new lifestyle. ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’ gives you that strategy, so you can lose your baby belly in just 8 weeks and with the minimum of effort. Click here to find out more.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Losing Pregnancy Weight - Don't Think You Have This Shape Forever

For some new moms losing pregnancy weight is of the greatest importance.  It is quite typical to have put on a large amount of weight during pregnancy, but a sizeable percentage of this will be the weight of your baby.

When we think about losing pregnancy weight we are focussing on the extra body fat deposited throughout the pregnancy, and how to carefully and rapidly get rid of this.

You will of course have been more sedentary especially throughout the later stages of pregnancy because of the growth in size of your baby and the discomfort of movement.  Together with a larger hunger and it is easy to see why extra weight is gained.

Throughout your pregnancy there was an actual need for extra calories to nourish yourself and your growing baby, at this point however you are no longer need to eat for two.

It isn't a good idea to cut down on the foods you eat too much at this time as you do still require extra nutrients for breast feeding but also you need a great amount of energy to manage the stresses and challenges of motherhood.

If you're thinking about losing pregnancy weight however it will be important to minimise your calorie intake slightly.  By consuming natural foods and avoiding refined foods as much as you can you'll automatically cut down on the amount of calories you are eating.

Don't forget you have just been through a huge trauma and you'll need natural foods to help you recover as fast as possible.

Get ready and prepare foods beforehand, consider freezing meals for other times when you have the time.

Losing pregnancy weight may be hard if you get in to the routine of comfort eating highly refined or processed foods. Definitely have the occasional treat, but make sure it's a luxury and not a regular food or snack.

It's essential that you increase the amount of activity you do. Walking with your baby is an ideal way of losing pregnancy weight because it' slow impact, free, you can go at your own tempo and also gives your baby tons of fresh air.

Losing pregnancy weight can be a very satisfying process and by working alongside your body’s own natural repair abilities the changes can be amazing

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The Best Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks - What Can You Do?

For a number of women facing pregnancy one of a number of worries they have is how to prevent stretch marks or at the very least reduce the amount they get.

Pregnant women are very likely to suffer from this problem and it's suggested that between 75% and 90% of women will develop them during this time to some degree.

During pregnancy your growing baby stretches the skin of the stomach and if a woman also gains too much weight then higher levels of body fat may also be stored all over the body.  It's this extra weight gain that can be minimised and therefore may assist in reducing stretch marks appearing.

It's vital not to try and lose weight during pregnancy as there is a greater need for extra calories to help improve the healthy growth of the baby.  As an alternative, aim to get the extra calories from healthy wholesome sources as much as possible as opposed to calorie packed refined foods.  Have the occasional treat but don’t go crazy either.

Remaining active right up to birth will assist in preventing stretch marks as this way any extra calories eaten are likely to be burned off instead of being stored as body fat. By staying active you are also preparing your body more thoroughly for the birth.

You should try to drink at least two litres of water every day to prevent dehydration. Make sure you drink this in little amounts throughout the course of the day to prevent placing too much extra work on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles.

The secret of how to prevent stretch marks is not a conclusive one.  Moisturising creams have little professional support though shouldn’t be discounted totally.

  • Take care of yourself by consuming regular balanced meals that contain natural wholesome foods. 
  • Drink heaps of water to maintain the skins natural moisture levels. 
  • Finally keep up to an active lifestyle which uses regular low intensity aerobic exercise. 

Sticking to these suggestions will not only help in how to prevent stretch marks but more essentially provide your growing baby with all the factors it needs to be healthy and strong.If you want to find out more about losing weight after pregnancy, then take a look on this next page. Click here to find out more

Monday, 19 October 2009

The Secrets to Losing Baby Weight - The Facts You Need To Know

Losing baby weight is more often than not a concern for most new moms at some stage, but there is usually a misunderstanding of exactly what makes up this extra pregnancy weight gain.

During pregnancy most women will expect to put on an average of between 25 - 35 pounds.  However for every woman this weight gain will vary, some will put on more than others. The list underneath gives an average breakdown of where the extra weight is from.

  • 7.5lbs is an average weight of a new born baby
  • 7lbs can be put down to stored fat other nutrients
  • 4lbs is from the production of extra blood
  • 4lbs is retained water and other bodily fluids
  • 2lbs due to increased size of the breasts
  • 2lbs from enlargement of the uterus
  • 2lbs amniotic fluid surrounding the placenta
  • 1lb is an average weight of a placenta

Understanding what makes up your weight gain during your pregnancy allows you to know exactly how much post pregnancy weight loss you need to achieve and how much of it is actually body fat.

From the example above you will notice that only a minor percentage of the body weight gained throughout pregnancy is actually from storing body fat. It's this fat that needs to be the target of any agenda.

Losing baby weight must be tackled in a gradual and orderly way.

A diet high in natural wholesome foods and low in refined, packaged easy meals is the ideal. The key here is to be prepared, buy and prepare foods beforehand. Making bigger batches of each main meal and putting them in a freezer makes things much less of an issue at times.

Exercise ought to be very low impact and not very physically demanding. Try not to do any jumping or bouncing activities for a minimum of 12 weeks. Careful resistance training may be started quite soon after giving birth, but use only light weights with higher repetitions, try not to strain, twist or bend too much.

Losing baby weight fast will give you loads more energy, confidence and a much more content and happier outlook on life.

If you'd like to lose your baby weight quickly after having a baby, then take action instantly.  Make your health and fitness your priority so that you can be the best mother possible and face motherhood with confidence, energy and a vigour for life. Go here to find out more

Monday, 12 October 2009

Gentle Exercise After Really Is The Key To Looking Great

For a large number of women, exercise doesn’t play a role in their day to day lives. To get back in to shape after having children, exercise after pregnancy must be included in some way.

Many women think that the only type of exercise that works for losing weight after pregnancy is either going to the gym, fitness classes or some other type of high impact or competitive sport.

A more apt description, especially where post pregnant women are concerned would be to use the phrase activity.  Activity doesn’t sound as daunting.

Activity might include many things from cleaning, gardening and general household chores to walking, swimming or dancing. The crucial thing is to take it slowly, be consistent and find something you find enjoyable to do.

The ideal activity for new moms is walking with your baby in a pushchair, because you can work at your own pace, you have the support of the pushchair and you and your baby will get heaps of fresh air.

To commence with go for a gentle route that takes you from between 10 - 20 minutes and do this twice at separate times throughout the day. Slowly increase the distance or the tempo you walk at to keep it slightly demanding. Avoid too many hills at first as this may feel too tough, but add some in as time goes by.

  • You should try to walk for 20 60 minutes at least 5 days a week.
  • The abdominal muscles also need strengthening, but they are in a very delicate state and there are some particular movements that must be done, called pelvic tilting exercises. 
  • Stay clear of sit ups, they could leave you looking at a pot belly every time you look at your feet.

You can perform a test called the Rec check which will reveal you when you can begin doing more advanced activities. You can find out how to do this in ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan.’

If your body shape is crucial to you, you need a plan to follow that includes: -

  • Important exercise after pregnancy advice
  • Pelvic floor tightening techniques and exercises
  • A unique 8 week diet especially designed for new mums
  • A straightforward walking program and
  • Very important stomach tightening exercises.

You’ll find this and much more in my NEW weight loss program for moms. To find out more go here now –

Sunday, 4 October 2009

How To Boost Your Cesarean Recovery

If you've given birth by a cesarean delivery, your body will have to be treated with care. Full cesarean recovery may take up to six months, but you ought to be able to start becoming a little more active within a few days.

Simply getting out of bed may feel daunting after the operation. Hospital staff will normally encourage you to get out of bed within the first 24 hours so that your circulation improves and to get the bladder and bowels functioning again.

Try moving around your room in hospital initially, taking very small steps and having plenty of rest in between. This can be moved on within a couple of days to walking around the hospital, be careful not to do too much too quickly, be patient.

Keeping moving at this stage is essential since it helps to increase blood flow to the wound, which speeds up recovery. Staying active will also prevent the build up of blood clots in the legs, which may potentially be very dangerous.

The key to any cesarean recovery program is to take things little by little. Work to a plan which includes constant but gentle exercise. Starting off easily and increasing the distance you can walk steadily over the following days.

Pushing your baby in a buggy provides a great opportunity to become more active. Holding on to the handle will provide you extra support, removing some of the stress off the tummy muscles. The pushchair will also help balance and maintain an upright position.

Steer clear of walking up hills or inclines when walking with a pushchair until after your six week check up, as this may place too much work on the weakened abdominal muscles.

Whilst you are in pain during your cesarean recovery you will be given medication to take away the tenderness. You should be aware that any discomfort you could feel will be masked so don’t make the error of doing too much, just because you can’t feel any discomfort doesn’t mean it’s ok for you to do.

To help in a quick cesarean recovery, it's important to remain active but also to work within your body’s own comfort zone.  Stay away from any stretching, twisting, excessive bending or impact movements, for the first six to twelve weeks in order to shield the injured area.

If you'd like to lose your baby weight quickly after having a baby, then take action instantly.  Make your health and fitness your priority so that you can be the best mother possible and face motherhood with confidence, energy and a vigour for life. Go here to find out more.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

How To Change Your Body After Pregnancy - You Can and Will Look Great Again

The way your body looks before compared to your body after pregnancy will have altered in many ways.  It's possible that you will have put on some weight, more cellulite, stretch marks, less energy and lower self confidence to mention but a few.

As well as visible changes, there are many internal changes that affect the body after pregnancy that may affect your every day life.

  • Your Pelvic floor muscles will be weak if you gave birth naturally and absolutely MUST be worked on a constant basis to return them back to their pre pregnancy strength.
  • Your body creates hormones that helped your baby to grow over the last nine months could be your a hindrance and enemy now.  Relaxin is this hormone and it helps connective tissue to become more flexible allowing for changes in body shape and posture. Relaxin unfortunately leads to weaker joints throughout the body, especially the pelvis and lower back.  The muscles in these areas should be strengthened as soon as possible. Training your stomach and lower back helps to return stability to the core.

Relaxin levels remain elevated for at least six months after having a baby so be careful with the exercises you elect to do during this time.  Stay away from activities that require too much dynamic stretching or rapid twisting movements.

The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan is a total rehabilitation and weight loss program created to help you repair your body after pregnancy.

The changes you have witnessed over the preceding nine months are all reversible and you are just as well equipped with the capacity to return to your pre pregnancy shape.  Unless you have serious problems, there is no reason why you can’t improve and change your body to the shape and size it was before.

The challenges you now face in improving your body after pregnancy are that you will have other priorities and demands upon your time which makes getting in shape even more challenging.

If you'd like to lose baby weight quickly after having a baby so you can have a body you can be proud of, then take action instantly.  Make your health and fitness your priority so that you can be the best mother possible and face motherhood with confidence, energy and a vigour for life.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Exercise After C Section

Exercise After C Section

Due to popular demand I have just launched a new c section recovery plan which focuses on essential and safe exercise after c section. My new system had to include all the major elements of c section recovery. It had to include ways to lose weight at home after having a baby, including which exercises and activities to do and when. Also it needed to include some important components vital to promoting a full and rapid physical and psychological recovery.

So I created - 'The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean'...a simple solution for all new moms who have just had a baby via a c section but want to start losing their baby weight safely and quickly during their c section recovery without having to wait for months or even years before they can really like the way they look again.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

I was just speaking to a new client today about her weight loss after pregnancy and she said something that really made me think.

Her comments were..."I think I lost weight so quickly after having @@@@@ (her son) because I had so much time to get out and be more active"

I had probably better just fill you in on the reason why she was wanting to work with me. Basically she had gained quite a bit of weight during her pregnancy, but lost it straight away afterwards, only to start gaining it back when she was plunged back in to real everyday life...caring for children, family, working and attempting to look after herself.

That's some juggling act, but one so many mums have to go through on a day to day basis.

The point I am trying to make here is that if you think you have no time and feel tired when you have just had a baby, it will get much, much worse when you go back to work and life returns to normal.

If weight loss after pregnancy is a consideration for you, then the sooner you start taking action, the better your progress will be. Make the most of the time you have when your baby is still small, using the excuse of "I'll wait until things settle down a bit" is not a recipe for success.

To your health and fitness - Jago

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Exercise After a C Section

I have just posted a new article titled - 'Exercise After C section, 3 Things You Simply Must Do To Speed Up Your Cesarean Recovery'. It's a useful little article which you may find interesting.

Click here to read the full article -

Here is a snippet: -

Your Cesarean recovery plan may well be to lie motionless in bed to avoid feeling any pain or discomfort and at first any movement will seem like a huge challenge.

At this stage, getting out of bed and moving around is vital to your recovery. Exercise after c section or more specifically becoming active after the operation forms a significant part of the whole rehabilitation process. The reason for this is that movement and an increased heart rate helps to increase blood flow to the wound supplying oxygenated blood and essential cells for repair.