Sunday, 30 November 2008

Exercise After Pregnancy

How Soon Should I Start to Exercise After Pregnancy?

This is a very common question I get asked by new mums all the time and there is a very simple answer. That is this - as soon as you possibly can after giving birth.

But let me be clear on this, I am not referring to what most people would class as exercise, such as jogging, exercise classes or going to the gym. These activities would be far too intense and place your body which is already in a delicate state in to a much more unstable condition in which you could potentially cause yourself serious long term injury.

So ideally you do need to take part in some form of post pregnancy exercise, but this should be gentle and structured. It needs to be something that fits in to your new lifestyle and allows you to carry out the many tasks associated with motherhood and caring for a new baby.

With this type of gently progressive exercise after pregnancy you can begin within a couple of days of the birth and with the pelvic floor and tummy tightening exercises these can be started immediately. In fact the sooner you can start exercising, the faster your recovery will be and the quicker you will start to lose weight and return to your pre pregnancy shape.

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